Thursday, May 6, 2010

And it all went to Hell...

First the good seems the Zantac is actually doing something!  The last few days I have had very minimal acid pain, which has made me very happy.  Still not quite 100%, but definitely an improvement.  All good.

And then yesterday everything went to Hell.  I had planned to run to the cloth diaper store to return/exchange the cloth diapers I had used on their 'borrowing' plan, and just as I got into the car I got a call from Nicole.  She was in triage with heart palpatations and a resting HR of 130.  She had been at the hospital for an appointment and Meredith (our other nanny) was home with the kiddos for the morning until Nicole could get there for the afternoon.

Great.  So I had to book it home to make sure Meredith could leave for her other job.  Was pulled over by a cop for reckless driving, but was crying due to the stress so I think she just took pity on me.  I let Meredith go and told her we'd update her when we learned how things were going.

But I still had to go to run this diaper errand because the diapers were due for return.  So, all three kids into the minivan!  Its hard enough with Jason and I doing it, but the 1:3 parent to child ratio definitely takes some work.  I did manage to make it out there and I'm sure I was a sight parallel parking the minivan and carting out the double stroller with the infant car seats and with Zev holding onto the stroller as we walked down the (very busy) street to the store.  But I did feel some achievement in getting the errand done and was able to return what I needed to return.

Made it home rather late for Zev's lunch, but he was able to eat and off to nap he went.  Now I was late pumping and I hadn't eaten, but neither had the girls.  The rest of the afternoon involved three females, lots of tears from everyone because the two littlest females refused to nap and wanted to be held non-stop while the big female really needed to pump (and, FYI, pumping while holding a crying baby doesn't work).  It really was my version of Hell.  I couldn't get Zev up from his nap until late because whenever I got up and was out of sight M would start to scream which would make T scream in empathy.  It was a no-win:  Zev had to be up but he would just add to the chaos.  Ugh.

We had an OT appointment that evening, and she was a little late, but it did go well, thank goodness.  As soon as Jason walked in the door, I said:  I'm done.  Was finally able to pump and he managed the three of them while I escaped to Stop and Shop to run away pick up some things quickly.

But I wasn't done.  When I got home, Zev was in bed but the girls were still extremely fussy.  Jason can stand their crying more than I, so I ended up continuing to feed them, and then I think Jason felt bad, so he took T while I took M.  FINALLY they were able to lay down but it was after another hour of needed to be held.

Really bad.  really really really bad.

As for Nicole, they are ruling out a cardiac shunt which could possibly mean she will not be able to return to work at all for the remainder of her pregnancy.  Leaving us to figure out what to do until Meredith can take over full-time.  And poor least with my complications MY health was ok.  She may be facing heart surgery if the cessation of her pregnancy doesn't alleviate her symptoms...

Yeah, the Zantac WAS working....

1 comment:

  1. HUGS! You are doing a GREAT JOB, MAMA! Make sure you keep these blog posts to make your children read when they're older, so they'll really know how loved and cared-for they were from the very start.

    Also, I really truly admire your committment to pumping! You're amazing!

